made by Leeloumade by Leelou

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I jumped on the bandwagon

For years I have collected tidbits from here and there. I keep my tags from Hello Kitty purchases, cards, gift wrap, stickers and what not. All of these unique treasures have been glued and taped into little journals over time.

Then, recently I saw these awesome books at the craft store. That was created for basically the same idea. I told Old Man I HAD to have one.... And of course I got the " yea yea more scrap book junk" face. But, oh no I explained this was more of an instant gratification process and he was more then welcomed to help me. I have only completed a few pages as of now but I'm so excited to smash 2012 into this little treasure book.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's been forever

I haven't blogged in awhile. Not because I haven't wanted to it just seemed like there are never enough hours in the day. So much has happened yet, at the same time not really.

Here's a quick run down on what has happened since I last blogged:

  1. Bubba turned 5 !!
  2. I turned 21 again
  3. Old Man is now a proud employee of a local hospital
  4. Old Man planted a garden out front of our apartment for me
  5. I have chronic bronchitis
  6. Work is booming
  7. Old Man re-finished a tricycle for Little Miss
  8. We finally have pictures up on our wall
  9. We established a weekly "date night"
  10. We went to a beautiful beach wedding